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1-13-11 Fine Arts Commission Minutes
Meeting of January 13, 2011

Chair Karen Howe called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at 7:03 p.m.

PRESENT: Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie; Judy Okeson; Maureen Rodgers;
                    Betty Russell; Dan Russell; John Ryan; Florence Schroeter; Sue Tukey; Prescille Yamamoto.

ABSENT:   Regina Barall; Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien (excused); Roberta Sweeney.   .

MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                Seconded by Prescille Yamamoto
To approve the minutes of  December 9, 2010

        Ray Lawhorn is the piano tuner.

        $1000 will come from the Dance Budget; $1000 is the grant approval.     


III.    CHAIR’S REPORT                                  No report.
-       Thank you from EHSYF for continued support.     

Film Series – Movie on February 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. EHCCC
Glynis reported that there was good publicity for the first movie.  Approximately 30 people were in attendance.
        Art – Art League Demonstrations – 2/13 Jeff Feldman; 3/13 Luciana Heinemann
Terrye Blackstone thanked Dan Russell for doing a Book Binding Demonstration for the Art League.  
There were 12 enthusiastic people in attendance.

Terrye Blackstone reported that the following Art League Presentations will take place:
        February 13 – Jeff Feldman
        March 13 – Luciana Heinemann

Terrye Blackstone discussed raising the honorarium for presenters not to exceed $200.  Discussion was held.
MOTION  By Maureen Rodgers
                Seconded by Terrye Blackstone
                To pay up to a $200 Honorarium for presenters.
                APPROVED. (1 Abstention)

MOTION  By Terrye Blackstone
                Seconded by Betty Russell
                To pay up to $1000 for the 2011 Purchase Award.

Children’s Programs
Prescille Yamamoto will meet with the Raymond Library staff in reference to programming.  She will speak with them also about feedback on past events.

EHSYF   - Cabaret – April 2011.
Chair Howe reported that the EHSYF did community service as Strolling Carolers. They performed at Riverside and St. Elizabeth Home. The 2011 show will be “The Wiz.”

EHSYF will present a Cabaret in April.

East Hartford Public Schools Mini-Grant
Betty Russell reported that the response was wonderful.  There is $1575 left in the mini-grant budget. She requested an additional $425 to approve 2 additional grants, for a total of 6 grants.
MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                Seconded by Maureen Rodgers
To take $200 from the Art Budget and $225from the Lecture/Poetry budget for a total of $425 to approve the additional 2 grants for a total of 6 grants.
APPROVED (2 NAYS, Terrye Blackstone; Sue Tukey)

Further discussion was held on the rest of the grant applications.  Betty Russell stated that these are important for a large number of students at two different schools and reported these particular teachers/schools were granted the programs last year so they were not considered by the committee.  These two other applications total $1000.
MOTION  By Judith Okeson
                Seconded by Maureen Rodgers
To take $500 from the Advertising budget and $500 from Expenses to approve the remainder of the grant applications for $1000.
APPROVED (1 ABSTENTION – Terrye Blackstone)

Discussion was held on the types of programs that are requested through the grant process.  There are many more music programs and not visual art programs.  John Ryan recommended that monies be dispersed equally for music and art programs.  Betty Russell will meet with Laura White to discuss this issue and will request that she inform her staff of the importance of all art.
Dance                                           No report.                                      
Drama/Lecture/Poetry – May 2011
Maureen Rodgers will schedule for Jane Schneeloch to do her presentation on Georgia O’Keefe (poetry/slide show) in May 2011.

Music – Paul Bisaccia program on May 15, 2011 from 2:00-4:00 pm First Church
                                                No report.

Photography                                     No report.                      

     VI.       OLD BUSINESS                                            
        Glynis McKenzie distributed handouts for the next film.

        Action will be held next month as to where the additional $300 will come from for the Film Series.                              
        Inventory on Fine Arts Assets
-       7 easels – Judith Okeson
-       2 dozen milk bud vases – Judith Okeson
-       Day in the Life books – Judith Okeson
The clerk will contact Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien as well as Regina Barall to see if they have any materials (i.e. Punch Bowl).   

                        Theresa Godreau                         $   80.00
MOTION          By Maureen Rodgers
                        Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
                        To pay the bills as submitted.
IX.     MEMBER’S CONCERNS                               .
Prescille Yamamoto reported that this evening was the last music concert conducted by Bruce DeLugo at East Hartford Middle School.  Bruce will be retiring as of February 2, 2011.   Prescille will notify Commissioners of a retirement party if one is being planned.

Terrye Blackstone reported she is having the painting “Companions” re-plaqued and wanted direction as to what to do with the old plaque.  She will give it to Discount Trophy.

MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Sue Tukey
To adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m.

The next Fine Arts Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2011 at the EHCCC, 50 Chapman Place, Room 12.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk

Minutes Subject to Approval